Take a Hike


One of my favorite activities is hiking. When we lived in Santa Barbara I would walk out my door and onto a trail without even getting in the car. It clears my mind, makes me feel healthy, connects me to nature, and is great exercise. Now that Waylon is getting older, I am slowly introducing him to the trail. There have been some tears and him exclaiming that he’s tired or doesn’t like it, but I’m not going to give up, I refuse to give up because getting outdoors and into nature is the best medicine.

On our first real hike when he was starting to fade, we found distractions along the way. We found a tiny creek to “fish” in, mossy rocks to touch and feel, giant leaves we collected for a bouquet, and lots of rocks to jump off! Even though when we drove into the lot he was reluctant to walk, by the end of it he was running up and down the trails and had a ball.

Even if you don’t have great hiking around your home, find a cool park, beach, river, or anywhere outside that kids can explore and feel more connected to the environment around them.

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